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PVC Windows
PVC Windows are one of our staple products that we have years of experience with. Through years of testing and trialling we have honed in on two key products that suit our requirements to fulfil your expectations.
We are pleased to offer you a wide range of options when it comes to choosing your windows with many variables available to really customise the look of your home. Not only do we offer different shapes and style of window but we also offer a huge range of foiled products to lessen the blow of the plain white plastic frame often seen on houses today. If none of our foiled options are the perfect match for you then we can also provide a spraying service to your windows prior to them being installed in which you have the choice of pretty much any colour imaginable.

Fully balanced square lead and dummy casments

Integral blinds (in between the sealed unit) never have dirty blinds again !!!

Fully balanced square lead and dummy casments